ASD: Autism Definition


Autism (or classical autism) is one of five forms of the autism spectrum, also called autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or autism (autistic) spectrum conditions (ASC).   Other types of ASD include mild autism known as Asperger Syndrome (aspergers), Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), sometimes called atypical autism, the rare condition - Rett syndrome and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD).

Autism definition - origin of the term

General term autism (from Greek autos-"self" and -ismos suffix of action or of state) was coined in 1912 by Swiss psychiatrist Paul Bleuler (1857-1939).   Other forms related to term autism include autisme, autismo, aspergers, ASD, ASC, PDD-NOS, CDD, high-functioning autism (HFA), as well as autist, autistic (can be confused with artistic), autistical, unautistical etc. 

Autism and aspergers symptoms

There is no defined border between autism, mild autism and Aspergers Syndrome.   Autism and aspergers symptoms include a spectrum of neurodevelopment conditions characterized by widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, as well as restricted interests and repetitive stereotyped behaviour patterns.   Autism definition as it is described in psychiatry - "a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment".   This psychological disorder is a form of abnormal self-absorption, usually affecting kids and teenagers, marked by a lack of response to people and actions and limited ability to communicate.   Other symptoms of ASD, such as atypical eating, rocking and twirling, or self-abusive behaviour such as biting or head-banging are also common for the diagnosis.  

Please use the included links and resources to find more information about autism spectrum disorders, autism definition, autism books, stories of autism.